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Online Scuba Certification FAQ
Online Scuba Dive Lessons
and Training Course

                    scuba lessons and certification.
Basic Scuba Lessons
Nitrox certification online. Eanx diving.
Online Nitrox Lessons

 Get the book work done from home!

Frequently Asked Questions

Once I've ordered the course, how long does it take to complete?

What agency is the certification?

Recommended Scuba Dive Shops - Worldwide

Will the certification work while I'm on vacation?

Will the course work while I'm on a Cruise Ship?

Do I need to go in the pool and open water after completing the course?

How much does it cost for the pool work and the open water dives?

Can I complete the course with my spouse or children?

Do I get any kind of proof that I've competed the course?

What if I need help understanding a portion of the course?

What if I have a question about something during in the course?

Will the course work for me if I'm already a scuba diver? (Refresher Course)

  How is taking the Online Scuba Lessons course
different from classroom instruction at my local dive shop?

Once I've ordered the course, how long does it take to complete?

This depends on how much time you are willing to spend working on the course.  There are 5 modules to complete followed by a final exam.  You have to complete each module with a 100% on each of the quizzes.  Then you have to complete the final exam with a 100%.  You can take the quizzes and final exam as many times as it takes to achieve a 100%.  There is no limit to the number of times you can take the quizzes and final exam.  Most people can complete the course in about 10 to 17 hours of study.  Your password and user name never expire, so you can take as long as you want to complete the course.  Some folks complete the course in as little as the next day, some folks take up to a year to complete the course.  It's a self paced course!
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Will the certification work while I'm on vacation?
Yes!  That's the idea with the course.  Get the book work done before you arrive on vacation!  Don't waste your valuable vacation time with the academic portion of the course.  You can go straight to the pool or open water and DIVE!  Present the certificate and universal referral form to the instructor at the resort.  Generally, most instructors require 2 pool sessions, and 4 open water dives.  Make sure the instructor signs your logbook, complete with the agency and his/her instructor number.
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What agency is the certification?
The Academic portion of the scuba course and it's certification works for ANY scuba certification agency, ANY scuba instructor, Anywhere, Worldwide.  When you go on vacation to any resort or dive shop in the entire world, you can present your certificate of completion and by-pass the "book work"  and "Classroom" portion of scuba lessons.  Go straight to the pool or open water.  We include a "Worldwide Scuba Referral Form" and all other necessary paperwork  to complete your certification.  The "instructor of record" (the instructor that takes you into open water) may want you to take a quiz, exam, or complete a verbal quiz to test your knowledge.  They may want you to watch a video or two.  But you won't be required to waste valuable vacation time sitting though the classroom portion of scuba diving.  Once you have completed all dives required by the Recreational Scuba Training Standards (4 dives), you have two choices:

Scuba Certification Option 1:  Present the paperwork to the dive shop or scuba instructor.  Continue with their program, and become certified.  You will receive a certification card from that instructor or dive shop.  They certify you and you become their customer.  Your scuba card will reflect the agency that the instructor or dive shop is affiliated.  Your SCUBA certification will come directly from your Open Water Scuba Instructor and carry all of the rights and privileges of a certified SCUBA diver.

Scuba Certification Option 2:  Present the paperwork to the dive shop or instructor.  Complete the required industry standard scuba dives.  Have the instructor sign the forms and return them to us for certification.  When we receive the signed forms, we issue an Internationally recognized scuba certification card.  Your SCUBA certification will come directly from us and carry all of the rights and privileges of a certified SCUBA diver.
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Recommended Scuba Dive Shops - Worldwide
Follow this link for recommended dives shops, worldwide.  You are not limited to these shops, you can use ANY dive shop, any dive instructor from ANY scuba certification agency.  However, the shops listed here have been evaluated for their strong scuba referral & training program as well as their professional & enthusiastic dive leaders.  Recommended Dive Shops

Will the course work while I'm on a Cruise Ship?
Yes!  The course and subsequent scuba certification can work very nicely with cruise ships.  First complete the final exam and receive the referral forms, then schedule a "Shore Excursion" at each port.  Ask for a "Discover Scuba Excursion".  Then schedule another excursion for the next dive, then at the next port schedule another.  The Carnival Cruise Fun Ships to both the eastern Caribbean and the western Caribbean have shore excursions for scuba diving.   The Carnival Fun Ship - Legend goes to Grand Cayman, Cozumel, Belize, and Costa Maya.  First Class cruise ship and first class scuba diving all the way.  Have one of the scuba instructors sign the open water referral form at each port.  It's OK to use several different scuba agencies for the certification.  Just make sure that you get a signature from each instructor on the open water referral form and yourscuba log book.  Then send all the paperwork back to us, aw will make dure your receive a scuba certification card.

The Carnival Cruise Fun Ship - Miracle goes to the US Virgin Islands - Perfect for scuba diving!

Do I need to go in the pool and open water after completing the course?
Yes!  The course is only the book work portion (academics) of scuba diving.  The instructor of record may want you to go into a pool first, but not all require pool work.  Most resorts (in fact all of them to my knowledge) have swimming pools!  Then after a morning or afternoon of getting use to the gear and being underwater, you go out on their boat and scuba dive!  It's really that simple!

Your open water scuba instructor will have full access to your study records, and review what you've learned to ensure that you're fully qualified to dive.
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How much does it cost for the pool work and the open water dives?
This varies a great deal from place to place.  Cozumel dives shops charge about $35.00 per dive, while the dive shops in Hawaii charge $120.00 per dive.  Dive shops in Alabama, New York, and California charge something in between.  Equipment rental prices vary as well. ($5 to $50 per day).  Generally, most dive programs require 4 to 6 dives for certification.  But the quality of these dives can be quite different.  Some operations use their local lake or rock quarry for dive certifications.  These should be relatively inexpensive ($100 - $200).  Some dive operations use huge expensive dive boats for their certifications complete with several dive masters, instructors, captain, and crew.  Expect to pay for the quality. ($200-$400).  Check to see if the operation or resort has a package available.
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Can I complete the course with my spouse or children?
Absolutely! Yes you can!  You and your spouse or any number of people can work the course together, sending only one of the quizzes for the entire group.  However, the final exam and course tuition must be separated.  In other words, each person being certified has to send a final exam and pay for the course.  The final exam can be done as a group, but each individual has to send a completed exam with a 100% for our records.
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Do I get any kind of proof that I've competed the course?
Yes!  Upon completion of the course you will be sent a certificate of completion signed and dated by one of our instructors and a Worldwide Scuba Referral Form.

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What if I need help understanding a portion of the course?
What if I get stuck?
What if I have a question about something in the course?
Each module, all quizzes, and the final exam have email links directly to a scuba instructor.  You can email directly with your questions or concerns.  All emails are answered within 24 hours (usually much faster).  Or you can call direct at 928-680-DIVE (3483) between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Pacific Standard Time (Arizona) and talk with one of our instructors to get an explanation and help with any portion of the course.
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Will the course work for me if I'm already a scuba diver but haven't been diving in over a year or more?
Yes!  The course makes a wonderful scuba refresher course.  It covers physics, physiology, dive tables, etc.
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How is taking the Online Scuba Lessons course different from classroom instruction at my local dive shop?
In today's world, many of us find it difficult to take time away from work and family to attend a classroom. The primary advantage of our online system is that you can "attend SCUBA class" in the comfort and convenience of your own home or office.  Anytime you have a few minutes, log into our online classroom and work on your lessons, quizzes and reading assignments.  Our web based courses fit into your schedule: you can work on your training at any time of the day or night.
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